v. 20 n. 2 (2000): Revista HCPA

Representing our qualified service

Number 2 of the 20th volume of Revista HCPA delivers a sample of the
activities carried out at the Gynecology and Obstetrics Service of our Hospital.
Doctor Fernando Freitas, chief of Gynecology and Obstetrics and associate
editor of this issue, has put together and organized a number of significant
studies reflecting the qualified staff of doctors and researchers of the Service.
These studies include original contributions, special contributions, and a case
report that are altogether fitting to the betterment of discussions regarding the
wide spectrum of matters related to Gynecology. As an example of the quality
of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Service at Hospital de Clínicas, the maternity
at that service is a reference center for high risk care. Patients at the maternity
will receive care from multiprofessional teams specialized on high risk
situations involving the mother, the fetus, and the newborn.
The present issue of Revista HCPA brings original and special articles
Espelhando qualidade
100 Revista HCPA 2000;20 (2)
as well as a case report that will certainly contribute to enhance the discussion
concerning the wide range of topics encompassed by the field of obstetrics
and gynecology.
The debate should not end right here, within the pages of our Revista
HCPA. In reaffirming its task as a medium for the publication of research
studies, Revista HCPA operates as a means to encourage scientific studies
carried out within the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre and outside hospital
walls. Publishing the scientific production of our researchers allows us to
present the qualified work that is carried out in this institution, and reflects our
day-to-day search for the betterment and improvement of the services offered
to our patients.

Eduardo Passos

Publicado: 2022-06-21

Edição completa


Artigos Originais

Artigos Especiais

Relatos de Casos