Leopold Kompert, conciliador de facções judaicas na Mitteleuropa


  • Luis Krausz


This article deals with two short stories by Leopold Kompert (1822-1886), a Jewish author from the Austro-Hungarian Empire and one of the major names in a genre which became known as Ghettoliteratur. As all other authors in his genre, Kompert dealt mainly with the conflicts involved in the passage from the world of traditional Jewry towards 19th into modernity. But he did this in a typical Habsburg way. Rather then emphasizing the incompatibility between these two worlds, Kompert tries, on the one hand, to preserve the memory of the vanishing world of the Jewish Shtetl, and on the other hand to create a synthesis between this world and the multi-lingual and multi-cultural Austro-Hungarian Empire.


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Biografia do Autor

Luis Krausz

Rrofessor Adjunto UFRGS; Mestrado em Literatura Alemã e Americanística (1984, FU Berlim - Alemanha); Doutorado Literatura Comparada (2002, IL - UFRGS); Professor do Instituto Goethe em Berlim, São Paulo e Porto Alegre; Leitor do DAAD na Universidade do Porto, Portugal; Professor visitante na UFRGS; Desde 1995, professor efetivo do Setor de Alemão/Instituto de Letras/UFRGS; Chefe do Departamento de Línguas Modernas (2003-2005); Pós-Doutorado na Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms Universität em Bonn, Alemanha (2005-2006); Coordenador das Literaturas Estrangeiras Modernas no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras/UFRGS (2007-2009).


Como Citar

Krausz, L. (2009). Leopold Kompert, conciliador de facções judaicas na Mitteleuropa. Contingentia, 4(1). Recuperado de https://seer.ufrgs.br/index.php/contingentia/article/view/8652


